Saint-Saëns once said of himself: “I produce music as an apple tree produces apples.” The First Cello Concerto is certainly a delicious example and a gorgeous vehicle for the instrument’s sonorous voice, especially as performed by young Sterling Elliott, a winner in the 2019 National Sphinx Competition. Mozart’s brief Mass (really brief!), with a “cameo” appearance by the organ, shows off our magnificent DPO Chorus. Beethoven’s Second concludes this season’s Masterworks series and our Beethoven symphony cycle. Responding to his near-suicidal anguish over growing deaf, the composer wrote to a friend: “I will seize Fate by the throat. It will not wholly conquer me!” This Symphony is the jubilant proof of his will to live.
Mozart Missa brevis in C Major, K. 259, “Organ Solo Mass” (14 minutes)
Saint-Saëns Cello Concerto No. 1 (19 minutes)
Beethoven Symphony No. 2 (35 minutes)